Take Your Next Step

to Optimal Health

Ep 61: Rewire Your Brain ft. Ron Kardashian

Why is it when we think about change, it’s always with someone else in mind? Wives want their husbands to change and husbands hope their wives WON’T change! We want our children to do better in school, be homecoming queen or captain of the football team. We have a...

Ep 62: Notes to a Younger Me ft. Gary Hensel

What do most of us say about ourselves? Usually something negative: “I can’t do that”, “I’m not pretty enough” or “I don’t have the education…” and on and on. It gets even worse when we don’t feel well. We like to actually BRAG about how awful we feel – it...

Ep 63: The Mind and Body Connection ft. Lofa Tatupu

It’s not often that you hear a former professional football player say that he is in much better shape NOW than he was in the NFL. That is exactly what Lofa Tatupu, formerly playing for the Seattle Seahawks, IS saying. In six seasons, he had 10 surgeries and over 15...

Ep 64: Breaking the Cycle of Fear ft. Clay Clark

Trust is defined as the “firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.” Be careful who or what you put your trust in. We put our trust in basic things of everyday life: our car to get us to work, our friends to shoot straight...

Ep 65: Are you a YES-a-holic? ft. Mimika Cooney

Anyone who loves gardening probably has some choice words about crabgrass. It looks like it’s just in one spot and then reaches across a sidewalk, wraps around a tree and then jumps under your fence to terrorize your neighbors. What makes it so difficult? The fact...