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to Optimal Health

The O-Shot® for Women

The O-Shot® can improve sexual health in women and restore bladder control.

Many come into our office and reveal serious relational issues dealing with female sexual health. A large majority of women have some degree of sexual dysfunction or loss of bladder control (urinary incontinence) after bearing children. How would you like to solve this problem with a non-invasive, simple procedure?

The Orgasm Shot, also known as the O-Shot®, is a non-surgical, completely safe platelet-rich plasma technique to restore sexual health and urinary continence in women.

How does the O-Shot® work?

Platelet Rich Plasma is obtained from your own blood and applied to the clitoris and vagina to stimulate multi-potent stem cells. This generates healthier tissue in the areas of sexual response and urinary continence, leading to improved health of the lubricating Skene’s Glands, urethra, and vaginal wall.

Who is a good candidate for the O-Shot®?

The O-Shot® can help women suffering from:

  • Low desire
  • Difficulty reaching orgasm
  • Difficulty becoming aroused
  • Painful sex
  • Urine incontinence (loss of bladder control)

O-Shot® Benefits

In addition to the benefit of improving the health of female anatomy, the orgasm shot improves your ability to achieve a more satisfying orgasm. The revolutionary O-Shot® accomplishes this by using your body’s own natural healing ability to improve lubrication, arousal, and increase libido.

  1. Increased sensitivity and desire
  2. Longer, better and more orgasms
  3. Tighter vaginal skin
  4. Improved urinary function
  5. Better, healthier sex!

There is no reason to be embarrassed.

Who does not want to look and feel their best in all areas, including sexual health? You don’t have be embarrassed. Rather, this is an opportunity for you to restore sexual function and bladder control.