Take Your Next Step

to Optimal Health

About the Movie

Fork Your Diet

“Fork Your Diet” The Movie, under the direction of Wellness physicians’ Drs. Mark and Michele Sherwood, take two patients in their 50’s and turn their lives around.

Demonstrating beyond a doubt that it’s never too late or too early to find great health and fitness through a Wellness Lifestyle.

You’ll laugh, cry, and be inspired as Wellness Doctors from all parts of the country join in this project to encourage all who watch to make a Wellness Lifestyle the new normal.

BONUS: Fork Your Diet eBook

More than a diet or exercise book, this straight talk is a proven process for total-life transformation.

Tired of endless cycles of diets and failure to improve your health?

In this eBook, Drs. Mark and Michele help you discover:

  • Reasons your previous diets probably failed
  • How to avoid diseases we dread
  • Practical ways to be well from the inside out

The perfect companion to Fork Your Diet the Movie.

Fork Your Diet

Featured Doctors

Dr. Mark Sherwood

Dr. Mark Sherwood

Functional Medical Institute

Dr. Michele Neil-Sherwood

Dr. Michele Neil-Sherwood

Functional Medical Institute

Dr. Amy Doneen

Dr. Amy Doneen

Heart Attack & Stroke Prevention Center

Dr. David Wright

Dr. David Wright

Mid-South Center for Prevention & Wellness

Dr. Anthony Lyssy

Dr. Anthony Lyssy

Diamond Physicians

Dr. David Haase

Dr. David Haase

MaxWell Clinic

Dr. Felice Gersh

Dr. Felice Gersh

Integrative Medical Group of Irvine

Dr. Atul Sachdeb

Dr. Atul Sachdeb

Family Medicine Doctor

Dr. Charles Webb

Dr. Charles Webb

Freedom Practice Coaching

Dr. Mimi Guarneri

Dr. Mimi Guarneri

Pacific Pearl La Jolla

Fork Your Diet

The Movie

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